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Joined: 26 Jan 2006 Posts: 52 Location: Zimbabwe
Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 9:23 pm Post subject: Asian/Arab success |
If white supremcay/racism precents blacks from succeeding how do we explain Asian/Arab success e.g China,Japan,Saudi Arabia, Indians and Pakistani are a wealthy lot. Look around you. Obviously their success is not equal to whites but guys these people have collectively progressed to some degree.
Can somebody explain _________________ Justice not peace |
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Joined: 19 Apr 2003 Posts: 796 Location: Closer
Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 12:28 am Post subject: |
Greetings lalaphansi, What is your counter racism STRATEGY and/or TECHNIQUE?
Josh |
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Joined: 26 Jan 2006 Posts: 52 Location: Zimbabwe
Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 1:55 pm Post subject: Still Learning |
No strategy yet so can somebody answer me who is willing to teach _________________ Justice not peace |
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Edward Williams Site Admin

Joined: 12 Apr 2003 Posts: 3298 Location: I am from everywhere I've ever been and everywhere I've never been
Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 7:29 pm Post subject: |
I will move your posts to the correct forum so that someone can answer your questions. _________________ What is the reason YOU were born into a SYSTEM of INJUSTICE if not to replace it with a SYSTEM of JUSTICE? |
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Edward Williams Site Admin

Joined: 12 Apr 2003 Posts: 3298 Location: I am from everywhere I've ever been and everywhere I've never been
Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 9:55 am Post subject: Re: Asian/Arab success |
lalaphansi wrote: |
If white supremcay/racism precents blacks from succeeding how do we explain Asian/Arab success e.g China,Japan,Saudi Arabia, Indians and Pakistani are a wealthy lot. Look around you. Obviously their success is not equal to whites but guys these people have collectively progressed to some degree.
Can somebody explain |
Under the SYSTEM of racism (white supremacy) there is no statistically measurable progress to obtaining justice. You'll have justice when you have justice. Right now, today, in this universe, there is only a SYSTEM of non-justice. When you begin to think there is justice somewhere in this universe, and you are tired of being mistreated on the basis of color (racism white supremacy), you'll attempt to try to get to the place where justice exists...only to find out the racists (white supremacists) run that place too.
There are two things you have to ask yourself at all times if you're interested in replacing the SYSTEM of racism (white supremacy) with a SYSTEM of justice and they are:
(1) Am I using speech to replace the SYSTEM of racism (white supremacy) with a SYSTEM of justice or am I using speech to live better under the SYSTEM of racism (white supremacy)?
(2) Am I using action to replace the SYSTEM of racism (white supremacy) with a SYSTEM of justice or am I using action to live better under the SYSTEM of racism (white supremacy)?
There is no progress for a prisoner in a prison other than to get out of the prison. You can get better food as a prisoner, better living conditions, be able to take more showers than other prisoners, read more books than other prisoners, be able to have females or males brought to you by the warden in the prison, do less work than other prisoners, get more outside time than other prisoners in the prison, get more money than other prisoners, get more drugs than other prisoners in the prison...but is this really progress? No, because you're still a prisoner in the prison.
The prison of racism (white supremacy) is a universal prison that all non-white people are born into and treated as prisoners...meaning mistreated on the basis of color. You can't walk outside the door of the universe. You are going to have to erode this prison of injustice from the inside out. What non-white people, worldwide, call progress in this prison of non-justice is what a non-white person has in comparison to another non-white person. Not what a non-white person has in comparison to a white person...but the comparison should not exist between people at all. The focus of the comparison should be between non-justice and justice because you can't have justice and non-justice in the same universe at the same time.
Non-white people under the prison of non-justice called racism (white supremacy) will have to follow THE LOGIC (counter-racist logic) if they ever want to eliminate this universal SYSTEM of racism (white supremacy) where we are treated as prisoners. _________________ What is the reason YOU were born into a SYSTEM of INJUSTICE if not to replace it with a SYSTEM of JUSTICE? |
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Joined: 26 Jan 2006 Posts: 52 Location: Zimbabwe
Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 8:40 pm Post subject: Continued |
Your point is valid. So called Arabs and Asians are prisoners too. And we should not compare our progress with each other as prisoners fare enough.
But my main point is that if white supremacy needs to be maintained by white people globally, surely you would target non-whites who are more likely to threaten your position such as China etc because as far as I am concerned the black world functions as primitives. So why bother with niggerized people when faced with growing Asian economy. You might think I am comapring again, but we have to know why white supremacists make other prisoners suffer more than others to understand how they function. We blacks are docile prisoners compared to other prisoners. _________________ Justice not peace |
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Edward Williams Site Admin

Joined: 12 Apr 2003 Posts: 3298 Location: I am from everywhere I've ever been and everywhere I've never been
Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 8:54 pm Post subject: Re: Continued |
lalaphansi wrote: |
Your point is valid. So called Arabs and Asians are prisoners too. And we should not compare our progress with each other as prisoners fare enough.
But my main point is that if white supremacy needs to be maintained by white people globally, surely you would target non-whites who are more likely to threaten your position such as China etc because as far as I am concerned the black world functions as primitives. So why bother with niggerized people when faced with growing Asian economy. You might think I am comapring again, but we have to know why white supremacists make other prisoners suffer more than others to understand how they function. We blacks are docile prisoners compared to other prisoners. |
Non-white people cannot seem to get away from comparing themselves to each other and the white people who practice racism (white supremacy) know this...they know we watch each other and we are watching each other for white people.
Why do the white people give some non-white people more privileges than other non-white people under the SYSTEM of racism (white supremacy)?
In order to ensure the non-white people will compete with each other for more privileges from white people...and the white people who practice racism (white supremacy) use that competition between non-white people to not only mistreat non-white people but to also have non-white people mistreat each other for a better position for receiving the goodies.
One thing you have to understand is that everything a racist (white supremacist) does supports racism (white supremacy). I know it may be difficult to understand right now but keep thinking about it. Think about when is a racist (white supremacist) not a racist (white supremacist). Think about when is a victim of racism (white supremacy), meaning a non-white person, not a victim of racism (white supremacy) under the SYSTEM of racism (white supremacy). Think about when is a prisoner not a prisoner in a prison. Ask yourself questions and answer those questions only telling yourself the truth and when you think you know what is true test it.
There is a Counter-Racism Science Project forum that will facilitate your tests. _________________ What is the reason YOU were born into a SYSTEM of INJUSTICE if not to replace it with a SYSTEM of JUSTICE? |
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Joined: 26 Jan 2006 Posts: 52 Location: Zimbabwe
Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 9:38 pm Post subject: One last questions |
Okay, i get your point, but one burning question. Why us should we get the scraps, why in particular blacks get scraps, I mean why in particular are we the most hated by the white supremacists. _________________ Justice not peace |
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Joined: 19 Apr 2003 Posts: 796 Location: Closer
Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 12:55 am Post subject: Re: One last questions |
lalaphansi wrote: |
Okay, i get your point, but one burning question. Why us should we get the scraps, why in particular blacks get scraps, I mean why in particular are we the most hated by the white supremacists. |
Is there a particular answer the White supremacists could give that you would accept as justification for being mistreated?
If not,
why are you seeking a reason for being mistreated?
Josh |
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Edward Williams Site Admin

Joined: 12 Apr 2003 Posts: 3298 Location: I am from everywhere I've ever been and everywhere I've never been
Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 4:54 am Post subject: Re: One last questions |
lalaphansi wrote: |
Okay, i get your point, but one burning question. Why us should we get the scraps, why in particular blacks get scraps, I mean why in particular are we the most hated by the white supremacists. |
I don't know the answer to that question and I'm not going to act like I'll ever know because the white people who practice racism (white supremacy) use as their primary weapon against me they ain't gonna tell me the truth about why they do what they do. Do you see THE LOGIC? I could spend the next 50 years or 500 years trying to figure out why the white people who practice racism (white supremacy) against me do so and pass that task on to my daughter so she can spend the rest of her life trying to figure it out and she can pass it on to her daughter so she can try to figure it out and so on and so forth...or...I can decide for myself if I want to continue in this life of being mistreated on the basis of color and do nothing, meaning accept that I'm a victim of racism (white supremacy) and do nothing about it because that will be the sum total of your actions if you spend the rest of your life trying to figure out why the white people who practice racism (white supremacy) do what they do because they are the masters of deceit...or I can decide to do something about it...decide to replace this unjust SYSTEM with a better SYSTEM by figuring out how they do what they do and come up with ways to work against how they do what they do without ever knowing why they do what they do.
If the white people who practice racism (white supremacy) were masters of truth you could just ask them why they do what they do and they would tell you the truth about it. But the white people who practice racism (white supremacy) are not masters of truth...they are masters of deceit...masters of trickery...masters when it comes down to fooling people into doing their will...masters of getting people they classify as non-white to focus on each other and mistreat each other...masters of falsehood...masters of hiding truth...masters of almost anything that has to do with anything that involves getting people to do their will at their bidding...they will tell you anything to get you to do it...dress up in any kind of any kind of religious text...smoke any kind of pipe with you...attend any kind of ceremony...lay in bed with you and have sexual intercourse with you and tell you they love you...and at the end of the day you would have spent all day long doing their will because you are not working against what they are doing against you.
These people are masters of what they do. They'll have you thinking you are working against them and you are feeling good about yourself and you can be working for them all the while. You have to figure out how this SYSTEM works by running experiments. You are in an experiment right now and the white people who practice racism (white supremacy) are running it.
We shouldn't get the scraps...nobody should get the scraps because their shouldn't be any scraps to get. Scraps are for scraps. Anytime you have throw away people that is what they are and that is what they get...scraps. The only reason this exists is because we are in a SYSTEM of racism (white supremacy). The mistreatment of people on the basis of color produces throw away people and that is the reason it is so important to get rid of this unjust replace it with a SYSTEM of justice where no person is mistreated and the person who needs help the most get the most help.
Now it's up to you. You can choose not to figure out how the SYSTEM works and how YOU can work against it and start working against it or you can help the racists (white supremacists) because there is no in-between. If you choose to figure out how the SYSTEM of racism (white supremacy) works by running experiments and also choose to figure out ways you can work against the SYSTEM of racism (white supremacy) by producing a thing called justice the Counter-Racism Work/Study Project may work as a tool you can use to accomplish that. But YOU have to decide what YOU are going to do and then do it. And you can't count on any other prisoner of injustice to help you tear down the prison.
It is up to YOU. _________________ What is the reason YOU were born into a SYSTEM of INJUSTICE if not to replace it with a SYSTEM of JUSTICE? |
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Joined: 26 Jan 2006 Posts: 52 Location: Zimbabwe
Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 9:05 pm Post subject: Good Answer |
Very good answers. I keep learning everyday. Thanx Edward Williams and Josh. Now this concept of justice that u preach which I believe is good, I don't see it ever realistically working. My stand point is this, black people from Africa, America etc have to simply work together to better themselves and understand white supremacy and replace it with justice as a black society coz the is no point in an all non-white collectivelly doing it because history has shown that other non-whites do not want to co -exist with us in a system of justice since there are victims too, so they would rather squabble with us to get most of the bread crumbs, so we have to leave them alone and fight our own battle in replacing this system as a black people. Obviously we should not do this through an unjust way and end up squabbling with them ( other Non-whites) but target the white supremacist by understanding them as a non-white black collective. As far as I am concerned I will not go out of my way to cooperate with other non-whites ( so called Asians/Arabs etc) in replacing this system when I know that they collectivelly prefer to squabble with me.I will not pretend tthat this other non-whites hate me and blindly try to coperate with them. I understand that blacks do squabble amongst each other a lot especially in Africa, but they are my people so I will try and help educate them. Remember Charity begins at home and race first -Marcus Garvey said. I will not cross oceans before beginning with my people. As far as I am concerned this ideology or what ever it is called though good is to idealistic, we just want to incorparting everyone. In principle its good, but practically brothers we have to begin at home. First with yourself, family, community, nation and your own international black race in teaching them to understand this racist system. Fare enough you can also discuss white supremacy with other non-whites as they are victims to, but to go beyond that such as establishing maybe political links etc if it will replace this system without soughting ourselves out first I tell u this would be a tragedy. _________________ Justice not peace |
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Joined: 16 Mar 2004 Posts: 65 Location: Philly
Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 11:27 pm Post subject: Re: Good Answer |
lalaphansi wrote: |
Very good answers. I keep learning everyday. Thanx Edward Williams and Josh. Now this concept of justice that u preach which I believe is good, I don't see it ever realistically working. My stand point is this, black people from Africa, America etc have to simply work together to better themselves and understand white supremacy and replace it with justice as a black society coz the is no point in an all non-white collectivelly doing it because history has shown that other non-whites do not want to co -exist with us in a system of justice since there are victims too, so they would rather squabble with us to get most of the bread crumbs, so we have to leave them alone and fight our own battle in replacing this system as a black people. Obviously we should not do this through an unjust way and end up squabbling with them ( other Non-whites) but target the white supremacist by understanding them as a non-white black collective. As far as I am concerned I will not go out of my way to cooperate with other non-whites ( so called Asians/Arabs etc) in replacing this system when I know that they collectivelly prefer to squabble with me.I will not pretend tthat this other non-whites hate me and blindly try to coperate with them. I understand that blacks do squabble amongst each other a lot especially in Africa, but they are my people so I will try and help educate them. Remember Charity begins at home and race first -Marcus Garvey said. I will not cross oceans before beginning with my people. As far as I am concerned this ideology or what ever it is called though good is to idealistic, we just want to incorparting everyone. In principle its good, but practically brothers we have to begin at home. First with yourself, family, community, nation and your own international black race in teaching them to understand this racist system. Fare enough you can also discuss white supremacy with other non-whites as they are victims to, but to go beyond that such as establishing maybe political links etc if it will replace this system without soughting ourselves out first I tell u this would be a tragedy. |
I know that it is often quite difficult for Non-white people that I talk to to grasp the CONCEPT of producing a SYSTEM of Justice, in which No person is mistreated and in which the person that needs the most help receives the most help. I suspect this is because we have been so Niggerized by our White Supremacist Masters we can not see the LOGIC in the definition. The LOGIC is that I have to produce a system of Justice! I have to guarantee that no person is mistreated, and I have to guarantee that the person that needs the most help receives the most help. I certainly can't depend on any Non-white white person to help me do so, and this includes my partner, "brother", "sister", so called "mother" or so called "father", "friends", associates, so called "Black Community", basketball team, mechanic, doctor, etc. Under this system NIGGERS are going to come up short every time. INCLUDING ME! Still,I have to do the work of solving problems, working on myself and how I relate to other people through thought, speech, and action, by MYSELF!
Therefore my focus shouldn't even be on other Non-white people. My focus should be on solving problems, especially solving the BIGGEST problem know to people, WHITE SUPREMACY. In this way I start thinking and moving faster in the direction of producing justice. Now Justice as it is defined here, is simply a concept that has not yet been realized. But my purpose for being ALIVE dictates that I make that concept a reality. After all, White Supremacy was once a concept. I wonder if White Supremacists sat around and pondered if their idea was too "idealistic", or did they simply go about making that idea reality. (I can't understand attempting to do something that I did not think was acheiveable but many Non-white people that I talk to have said producing a system of Justice is not possible, yet they were attempting to produce it. HUH?)
Frankly, if I ever get to the point where I think that Justice is not possible, and I've tried EVERYTHING then a Maximum Emergency Compensatory Action would then be my only course of action. _________________ RWSWJ |
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Dark Switch
Joined: 11 Aug 2005 Posts: 100 Location: Europa
Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 8:20 am Post subject: Re: Good Answer |
mel wrote: |
lalaphansi wrote: |
Very good answers. I keep learning everyday. Thanx Edward Williams and Josh. Now this concept of justice that u preach which I believe is good, I don't see it ever realistically working. |
I know that it is often quite difficult for Non-white people that I talk to to grasp the CONCEPT of producing a SYSTEM of Justice, in which No person is mistreated and in which the person that needs the most help receives the most help. I suspect this is because we have been so Niggerized by our White Supremacist Masters we can not see the LOGIC in the definition. The LOGIC is that I have to produce a system of Justice! I have to guarantee that no person is mistreated, and I have to guarantee that the person that needs the most help receives the most help. |
Think about whether you can experience your body in two places at once.
I seem to recall reading on the forum that the White Supremacist System of Injustice is maintained by United-Dependent means. I could be incorrect.
Some non-white people say there has never been a System of Justice which means, if you follow that logic, injustice must have existed already before the White Supremacists established a System of it.
Can I guarantee this electronic post reaches other counter racists on another continent? I don't think so, not without the help of others: ISP, WWW, Counter-Racism server, etc.
Can I guarantee that a physical letter reaches my doctor, or a friend of the family who lives near me? Yes, I can deliver it personally.
I believe those non-white people who have read the definition of Justice do get a feel for the Logic, it is the making it a Reality that they have trouble envisioning.
Don't White Supremacists call on other White Supremacists to do or manage the dirty work of racism in all places on the planet? How does a non-white person without depending on any non-white white person, clean up the mess, or even assess if any person is being mistreated, or if the person who needs the most help is receiving the most help on the other side of the universe? _________________ Most white people hate Black people. The reason that most white people hate Black people is because whites are not black people. - Neely Fuller Jr.
quoted in Cress Welsing (1991) |
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Joined: 19 Apr 2003 Posts: 796 Location: Closer
Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 12:38 pm Post subject: |
Mel wrote:
Quote: |
I wonder if White Supremacists sat around and pondered if their idea was too \"idealistic\", or did they simply go about making that idea reality. |
Thank you for pointing that out Mel.
There are many examples of people that "simply go about making that idea reality" instead of complaining about what other people are or are not doing
My favorite example is Otto Lilienthal
When I look at pictures of his "niggardly" machines I remind myself that all he had to work with was a concept; and yes it was quite *idealistic*.
In a system of racism White supremacy, you cannot depend on other people to support your counter racism efforts.
prepare yourself to counter the White supremacists ALONE using YOUR thought, YOUR speech, and YOUR actions.
Josh |
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Edward Williams Site Admin

Joined: 12 Apr 2003 Posts: 3298 Location: I am from everywhere I've ever been and everywhere I've never been
Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 5:47 pm Post subject: Re: Good Answer |
lalaphansi wrote: |
Very good answers. I keep learning everyday. Thanx Edward Williams and Josh. Now this concept of justice that u preach which I believe is good, I don't see it ever realistically working. |
Then you should be posting on the StormFront website or the KKK website because if you are doing anything other than replacing racism (white supremacy) with justice...chances are helping the white people who practice racism (white supremacy) mistreat you on the basis of color. And if you're going to help them you might as well go all the way. Bleach your skin, your hair, get a nose job, marry a white woman, have kids...and before it is all said and done I'll bet a dollar you'll be talking about you're being mistreated on the basis of color just like Michael Jackson or Clarence Thomas.
The white people who practice racism (white supremacy) already know how to handle non-white people who want to have their own organization...or community...or city...or nation...or country. They know how to handle non-white people who want to do this and the evidence that they know how to handle it so that it doesn't impact what the racists (white supremacists) are doing is...the evidence is...are you ready for this...the evidence is...they are handling it right now and racism (white supremacy) exists. They already got things in place for when you want to have your own organization. The white people who practice racism (white supremacy) handle it in such a way that whatever you want to build can't interfere wit hhow they run the business of mistreating people on the basis of color.
White people run the NAACP...with their money. There are more non-white people in the NAACP than white people but the smaller number of white people contribute the greatest amount of money to the "organization" so they have the greatest influence.
Non-white people love to think we can do things the easy way...
Good Luck! _________________ What is the reason YOU were born into a SYSTEM of INJUSTICE if not to replace it with a SYSTEM of JUSTICE? |
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